A Waterman's Bounty from Shipping Creek on the Chester River

“The goal of this project was to express my experience and share with younger generations about life on the water and working with oysters to make a livelihood in Kent County, Maryland. With this project I produced three oil paintings of the oysterman’s life. Two paintings depict a man tonging for oysters in a boat (sizes 38in.Wx20in.H and 24in.Wx18in.H). The third picture is the inside of the shucking house for oysters (size 24in.Wx20in.H). The materials I am using are different size canvases and oil-based paints. The paintings are sketched out and then paint is applied. The canvas painting is framed.”

By Allen M. Johnson II

Hand Tonging at Deep Point Chester River Bar (Oil on Canvas)
This picture reflects memories of oystering with hand tongs on the Chester River and owning our boat which was docked at Quaker Neck Landing.

Morning Catch at Sunrise (Oil on Canvas)
This picture reflects the first catch of oysters at sunrise on the Chester River.

Stripping Oyster Shells (Oil on Canvas)
This picture depicts the stripping (shucking) process of oysters for market.


Excerpt from oral history interview with Allen M. Johnson II, Chesapeake Heartland Project digital archive.