On the Black History of
Kent County & Washington College

By Jason Patterson


This collection of artwork is the culmination of a two year project by history based artist Jason Patterson that began during his time as the Frederick Douglass visiting fellow at Washington College’s Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience. This project addresses the experiences of African American lives, starting in post-colonial Kent County, Maryland and at Washington College, the first college established in the United States after the new nation's founding.

This exhibition acknowledges often unknown histories of white supremacy and racial inequality that have existed in this area for centuries and that continue to influence the social conditions of these communities to this day. The goal of this work is to bring some of those histories to the forefront, to be addressed and reckoned with in order to better our present and our future.

All artwork, frames, & framed documents were fabricated
by Jason Patterson unless noted.

Information on each piece's history & significance was written
by Jaelon Moaney and Jason Patterson.


By Adam Goodheart
Starr Center, Director

A Note from
Chesapeake Heartland

Curator's Statement
By Tara Gladden
Kohl Gallery, Director & Curator





Artwork photographed by Sean McCormick.
For any questions about the exhibit: tgladden2@washcoll.edu
