Myona Moore
Myona, 17, is a senior at Kent County High School. She has been accepted into the National Honor Society and has also been a member of the Minority Scholars Program, the volleyball team, and managed basketball and softball —all while maintaining an A average. When it comes to music, Myona is deeply rooted in gospel, having grown up in a gospel-based household. She has also been a part of the Gospel Church of God (which is featured inside Chesapeake Heartland’s digital archive) for all of her life. In the church, she has contributed to helping the community through food drives, fish fries, and neighborhood giveaways. The Hip Hop Time Capsule project has helped her to dig into her roots with music. Raised here in Kent County, it’s been particularly meaningful for Myona to preserve the very same history that’s allowed her to be who she is today. Her favorite musical artists are Daniel Caesar, Giveon, and H.E.R.
Eunoia (you-noy-uh)
Greek for beautiful thinking; a well mind. The definition fit me as a person and the way I want people to hear my art: having to think before you speak so when you speak beauty comes out or something beautiful flows out. It came about when I wanted to find a word that defined who I was as an artist and no word in English did so. This one Greek word said it all. Eunoia is a goodwill speaker that cultivates themself and their audience - a condition of receptivity.